The bride is always the most beautiful girl of the day but sometimes the flower girls definitely steals the show. They’re adorable, they’re cute and whether or not they actually walk down the aisle is a total gamble! From temper tantrums to complete meltdowns, these sweet little angels can determine a perfect or imperfect ceremony. On the other hand, what’s not to love about a tiny, two foot perfect faced toddler. They love the attention of walking down and they’re often tiny replicas of our brides of the day. Pretty in white and halo-adorned, the sweet moments between flower girl and bride are the most picture perfect! From sweet hugs and kisses to actually throwing the flowers down the aisle, we love the reactions from our guests. Windwood has some of the most beautiful flower girls on the planet and they never seem to disappoint when it comes to stealing a moment from the bride. It’s always hard to chose our favorite memories but I think we’re off to a good start! Here are some of our amazing flower girls over the years and they all get an A+ in the cuteness category. We’re off to a fantastic start to this year’s wedding season and we can’t wait to make more memories with these tiny little angels!